Derby Date of Birth: Season 6, 2009
Position: Referee, Non-Skating Official Athletic Background:
Soviet Cosmonaut and suspected Dolph Lundgren body-double in famous American movie. Bio:
Komrad Iron was a prodigy of Soviet efficiency and order. But after a leaky bottle of vodka caused a “slight” accident at the nuclear power station in Chernobyl, he was denounced and sent to a Siberian gulag. There the cold, brutal labor sharpened his senses and warped his mind. Now he only thinks of one thing: bringing order out of the chaos of roller derby. But can the Minnesota RollerGirls be controlled and contained? Or will his iron-fisted rule cause them to rebel and reach new heights in derby mayhem? Likes:
  • Snakes
  • Snails
  • Puppy Dog Tails
  • Sugar
  • Spice
  • Everything Nice